Sunday, February 11, 2007

Obama Launches Bid to 'Transform' U.S. -

Some thoughts on the upcoming campaigns after having read the Forbes article and a number of others about Obama's official announcement.

I'm so looking forward to this. Very interesting to see not only the first time there is an ethnic minority candidate to be taken seriously but a strong woman candidate, too. It would be bost interesting to see Obama and Hillary as the president-vicepresident pair on the actual election ballot - whichever way around.

I think that this is great for American politics and society. "Win or lose, Obama's White House bid likely to pay dividends", a headline at, sums up my feelings quite well. What's interesting about American politics and the general public opinion is that in many ways and within certain limits attitudes can change incredibly fast. I'm hoping that Obama's and Hillary's presidential campaigns - even if neither would be elected - might do just this and bring some real diversity to the very top of American politics.

read more | digg story

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